GoSkippy Sponsors
Bristol City FC Men’s Team
We are proud to announce that GoSkippy is continuing to sponsor the Bristol City Men’s Team for all English Football League fixtures in the 2024/25 season. GoSkippy will also feature on the back of the men’s first team shirts and replica shirts for the 2024/25 season.

Why Bristol City FC?
While over 600K of our customers are from across the UK, Bristol is the beating heart of GoSkippy. It’s our birthplace, and our office proudly stands there to this day. We’re excited and grateful to be able to support the Bristol City FC Men’s team and local community initiatives.

“This partnership with GoSkippy Insurance fits perfectly with our sporting group ethos to work with growing, innovative, local businesses.
With its head office in Bristol, GoSkippy very much fits that mould and we are looking forward to kicking off a partnership which not only benefits our club but increases GoSkippy’s profile as one of thefastest-growing brokers in the UK.”
Sarah Farrar
(CCO of Bristol Sport)
“We are delighted to be sponsoring Bristol City. Just as precision and teamwork drive victories on the pitch, our commitment to safeguarding journeys with affordable and quality motor insurance echoes the dedication to excellence exemplified by the club. We are very much looking forward to the journey ahead.”
Paul Hellings
(GoSkippy Head of Partnerships)

Who are GoSkippy?
We are an insurance broker set up to bring you first class insurance.
Please note, the best way to get a quote from us is online.
We’re an established UK broker
Affordable price
Quality cover
Top customer service
Here to help
Did you know?You can view and validate documents by using your online portal.