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6 Ways To Keep Your Pets Calm During Fireworks


As we approach Winter, fireworks become more frequent, especially on ‘Guy Fawkes Night’, or ‘Fireworks Night’ and New Year’s Eve. These celebrations are great fun, but they can be a source of anxiety for pets. The loud noises, bright lights, and unfamiliar smells can be overwhelming.

Pet insurance can provide essential coverage for unexpected vet bills if your pet gets injured during fireworks night. The loud noises can cause stress and anxiety in pets, leading to accidents or health issues that require immediate attention. With Pet Insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing you’re prepared for any situation, while your furry friend stays safe and healthy.

As a pet owner, you may be seeking the best ways to keep your furry friend calm during this season. Here are some tips to help keep your pets calm and safe during fireworks displays.

1. Make Note of All Local Displays

Silhouette of people watching a firework display

You can’t know when neighbours will set off fireworks, but you can check for local display times and locations. This will help to plan around the events and be prepared to keep your pet as calm as possible.

2. Create a Safe Calming Space

Dog sleeping in comfy bed

Set up a quiet, comfortable area in your home where your pet can go if they’re distressed. This could be a room with minimal windows or a cozy corner with their favourite bed and toys. Make sure this space is ready and accessible before the fireworks begin.

Try to dull the noise and light of fireworks by closing windows and drawing curtains – maybe try and get some blackout blinds or curtains if you can. Create a more serene environment for your pet by playing soft, calming music, like classical music or specially designed pet relaxation tracks. Additionally, there are lots of products you could try such as plug in scent diffusers, calming treats or collars, and anxiety or thunder wraps. These are jackets you put on an animal that hugs them tightly and is like swaddling a baby to make them feel secure.

3. Stay Calm and Reassuring

If possible, stay at home with your pet during fireworks. Your presence can be incredibly comforting and reassuring for them. Pets can take cues from their owners mood and may sense if you are panicking. If you remain calm and composed, your pet is more likely to feel secure.

Offer gentle reassurance and avoid reacting strongly to the fireworks yourself. Engage your pet with their favourite toys or treats. Puzzle toys or long-lasting chews can be a good distraction and keep their mind occupied.

4. Exercise Beforehand

Male walking dog at dawn

Take your pet for a long walk or engage in a vigorous play session before the fireworks start. This can help tire them out and reduce anxiety. Do this in daylight so you can make sure your pets are kept indoors during fireworks displays. This reduces the risk of them running away in fear or getting injured.

5. Consult Your Vet

Bulldog dog at vet. Sitting on examination table at veterinary practice clinic. Generative Ai

If your pet has severe anxiety, you should consult your vet. They may recommend medication or other treatments to help manage your pet’s stress during fireworks.

By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your pets remain calm and safe during fireworks. Remember, every pet is different, so it may take some trial and error to find what works best for your furry friend. Stay patient and compassionate, and your pet will appreciate your efforts to keep them comfortable.

6. Protect Your Pet with Insurance 

While you’re taking steps to keep your pet calm during fireworks, it’s also a good time to consider their overall well-being. Pet insurance can provide peace of mind by covering unexpected veterinary costs, ensuring your pet gets the best care possible without financial stress. Whether it’s for routine check-ups or emergency treatments, having pet insurance means you’re prepared for any situation. Don’t wait until it’s too late—invest in pet insurance today and give your furry friend the protection they deserve.

Get a pet insurance quote today with GoSkippy!